Utrecht University

The Netherlandswww.uu.nl/en

Utrecht University (UU) is the largest university in the Netherlands, employing 3,600 scientists and 3,300 support staff. The Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences (IRAS) at UU is a partnership between the faculties of medicine, veterinary medicine, and science where approximately 130 staff members are engaged in world class environmental health scientific research and education. The mission of the environmental epidemiology division of IRAS is to conduct research on environmental contributors (non-genetic factors with a focus on environmental, occupational and lifestyle exposures) to adverse health effects. IRAS has been at the forefront of exposome research. IRAS researchers have established: the I3CARE Exposome Centre, combining research efforts on the exposome from the University of Toronto, Chinese University of Hong Kong and UU; and the Utrecht Exposome Hub to accelerate exposome research at UU.

Role in LongITools

UU is involved in research activities in work packages 2,3,4,5 and 6, providing expertise in environmental epidemiology and leading the modelling of environmental exposures.

Professor Roel Vermeulen

Principal Investigator (PI)

Roel is a Professor of Environmental Epidemiology and Exposome Science. His scientific research focuses on environmental risk factors for non-communicable diseases with a strong emphasis on integrating epidemiology, high quality exposure assessment, and molecular biology into multidisciplinary investigations. He is the director of the Utrecht Exposome Hub. Roel is PI of several large case-control and prospective occupational and general population studies. He is currently Project Coordinator of the EXPANSE project which, along with LongITools, is also part of the European Human Exposome Network.
