European Human Exposome Network

LongITools is a member of the European Human Exposome Network (EHEN), the world’s largest cluster of research projects studying the impact of environmental exposures on human health. This network is playing a critical role in delivering impactful exposome research.

EHEN brings together nine research projects, receiving over €100 million from Horizon 2020, the EU’s framework programme for research and innovation. These projects aim to understand the health impacts resulting from factors such as air and noise pollution; chemicals; the urban, green, and blue environment; lifestyle and occupation; and infections. The research from the EHEN projects will lead to better prediction of disease risk and tools which will help enable the development of solid, cost-effective, preventative actions and policies.

LongITools Role

LongITools, along with the EXIMIOUS project, led the coordination of EHEN from July 2022 until the end of September 2023. The two teams were also responsible for delivering an updated EHEN Communication and Dissemination Strategy and a conference which took place in May 2023. Members of the LongITools team participate in the three EHEN working groups: Metadata, Communication and Dissemination, and Ethics and Law. We also contribute to other activities and to deliverable reports, along with the other EHEN projects.

EHEN Toolbox

The individual EHEN projects are developing a wide variety of tools, including modelling tools, guidelines and protocols, to help researchers, policymakers and citizen scientists understand how the exposome affects our health. The Exposome Toolbox is a central hub for these tools, most of which are in development.

EHEN Newsletter

To be kept informed of EHEN news and developments, please sign up to receive the EHEN newsletter via our contact form or directly on the EHEN website.

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