Highlights from the 7th LongITools General Assembly Meeting
The seventh and penultimate LongITools General Assembly Meeting took place between 5th-8th February in Oslo, Norway. The meeting was hosted by the University of Oslo and saw over 80 people from all 18 partner organisations gather together to review progress and make plans for the remaining 17 months of the project. The annual in-person consortium meeting provides a valuable opportunity to further develop relationships, collaborate and have meaningful discussions which sometimes you just can’t do online!

The LongITools team outside at the University of Oslo
The meeting kicked off with a day focused on capacity building for our Early Career Research Network and covered topics such as mediation analysis and data visualisation.
On the second day, we were privileged to be joined by policy representatives from the City of Oslo Agency for Urban Environment and the Norwegian Institute of Public Health. The presentations covered the specific challenges Oslo has in relation to air and noise pollution and the experiences of policy co-creation with youth through the CO-CREATE project, focused on obesity prevention with adolescents. This was followed by a small workshop focused on connecting science to policy and exploring the relevance of current LongITools research outputs, alongside additional break-out sessions to progress specific work.
Throughout the remaining day and a half, LongITools researchers presented their latest findings and research developments across a wide range of topics including health and environment associations, omics, exposome scoring and modelling, methodological advances such as new developments in air pollution and noise modelling and machine learning. The results from the pilot study being run to test the LongITools Healthcare Risk Assessment App were shared and the LongITools Exposome Data Analysis Toolbox was demonstrated.
The meeting ended with a session focused on the remaining actions needed to ensure we meet our objectives and deliver our key exploitable results.
A selection of photos from the meeting can be seen below.