Second newsletter from the European Human Exposome Network

The second newsletter from the European Human Exposome Network (EHEN) is now available. This issue features articles about the types of data being used and the exposures being studied by the nine projects, as well as demonstrating EHEN’s reach. There are progress updates from all projects and working groups and the latest exposome news, events and publications. We also look at how the researchers from the nine EHEN projects are applying “external exposome” data to biological research fields such as metabolomics, epigenomics and transcriptomics, also known as the “internal exposome”.

Click on the image below to read the newsletter.

EHEN is the world’s largest network of projects studying the impact of environmental exposures across a lifetime – the exposome – on human health has issued its first newsletter.  It brings together nine research projects, receiving over €100 million from Horizon 2020, the EU’s framework programme for research and innovation. The nine projects include ATHLETE, EPHOR, EQUAL-LIFE, EXIMIOUS, EXPANSE, HEDIMED, HEAP, LongITools, and REMEDIA.